Coding with Titans

so breaking things happens constantly, but never on purpose

HowTo: Add NuGet source for TeamCity Agent

Recently I moved away from external NuGet repositories to the one available internally via my Gitea server. Own hosting has always this extra advantage that the space and build-minutes are unlimited. So why not to try this path. Setup was build-in with last release, publishing is similarly easy. Yet I had a small issue, when porting companion TeamCity dependant builds. Suddenly it couldn’t access the NuGet source via System account used on Windows as user running the . Read more →

HowTo: Change Docker containers/images/overlays location on Linux

Yet again, during my engineering journey to the future I was hit by a practical problem. When I tried to build and host a docker image on a small and slow volume (precisely on an old Raspberry 3 that still boots from SD-card), I ended up very disappointed with the final experience. And even though this device seems to be a bit outdated, it’s still ideal for small hobby project with simple API served via FastAPI, Python and PostgreSQL. Read more →

Docker image for Android CI

And the day has finally came. Turned out my docker image for Continuous Integration to build Android native apps doesn’t work anymore. Honestly, it wasn’t even my fault. At first glance the OS was OK, Android SDK was also OK, but then fastlane installation was not happy about something. And that little something turned out to be a real PAIN … in my arm! Ruby ta-da-da-tam! But how was that? Read more →

HowTo: OS upgrade on Raspberry Pi 4

The process of system upgrade is very easy and was already described here. This is a really great guide. I just want to add few comments, that affected my installation. The main actions to perform to install latest version of Raspbian are: Go to and check the latest OS codename. Verify, if this version is not already installed on the Raspberry using cat /etc/os-release command. $ cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="9" VERSION="9 (stretch)" VERSION_CODENAME=stretch ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="http://www. Read more →